Klamath Basin Chapter, 
Native Plant Society of Oregon

Follow-up on Monday's Klamath River Dam Removal Presentation

January 08, 2025 8:00 PM | Sarah Malaby (Administrator)

We were unable to pull off the hoped-for Zoom connection during Rob Roninger's Monday presentation about the Dam Removal Project. Rob presented two overview videos then spoke about the Bureau of Land Management's role in revegetation efforts in the footprint of the former pool behind the John C. Boyle Dam site.

The videos are available on YouTube.

World's biggest dam removal project changing a California river

  • Provides a brief overview of the historical events resulting in dam removal and the views of different community members opposed to, and supportive of, their removal.
Replanting the Reservoirs, Year One - Klamath River Restoration
  • The video chronicles the first year of revegetation following the removal of the four dams along the Klamath River, part of the world’s largest salmon restoration project. (You'll need to 'skip' the ads)

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